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Friday, January 29, 2016

Living With Suicide

Undoubtedly in the normal cycle of life on Earth, as we know it, children are not to die before their parents. However, the laws of nature are not always followed and many a time the parents are left behind to mourn the death of their offspring. As imagined, such experience is the darkest for a human. The loss of a child is thousands of times more painful that giving birth to a baby. Why? Because it is an excruciating pain which never ends and continues for the remainder of one's life; however many days, months, or years left of it.

Friday, January 15, 2016

Marching Forward To Where?!

When one is young, one is encouraged to aim high, have seemingly unattainable dreams, and to march forward to reach them. However, when one is middle-aged, one no longer hears this advice, unless a colossal tragedy befalls one, as in my case.

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Afraid of Forgetting

I AM AFRAID! I am afraid my dear Shahdi that a day will come when I won't think of you when I open my eyes in the morning. I am afraid a day will come when I am accustomed to your absence in your childhood house. I am afraid a night will come when I stop saying goodnight and asking for your forgiveness before succumbing to sleep. 

Sunday, January 3, 2016

Tears are not a sign of weakness..

Why is it quite acceptable, and even expected, to cry of joy when a child is born, but tears of sadness for a deceased child are not tolerated long after the funeral? Why is it alright for parents to display tears of joy at every happy event related to their child but are frowned upon or pitied when they become tearful at remembrances of their deceased child? Why the double standard?

Tears set us apart from other creatures on this planet because generally they provide a window into our souls. Tears are the body’s mechanism in dealing with many raw emotions which cannot be as easily expressed by speech or actions.  Tears are the raw extract of one’s soul at rare times when the weight of emotions becomes insurmountable to bear. At such times, the only outlet available to humans in handling their emotions is through tears.  Tears are not a sign of weakness but a sign of the beauty of the human soul which spills out occasionally in the form of beautiful droplets of translucent liquid. Tears are magical and ought to be appreciated, not pitied or forbidden.