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Saturday, April 26, 2014

Five Months...

My Dearest,
It has been five months since your departure from our imperfect world but it feels much longer to me. You cannot imagine how I miss you darling: your voice, your calling me "Mommy", your beautiful face, your wonderful laugh, your long hair... I simply miss everything that embodied you.
Grief exposes one to a range of new and strange feelings and emotions. Sometimes while surrounded by people, I can feel totally alone and out of place. In the middle of conversations, meetings, outings, I can feel totally detached and isolated - like in the movies when they first show a character in the middle of a busy place and then they black out the background, showing only the character in deep thought. Except in my case, it is not a movie set; it is my reality, my life, my real emotions and the real feeling of isolation in a group. In such moments, my only thought is you, my darling daughter; the only feeling is the longing to see and hold you in my arms again; everything else is obscure and unimportant.
Shahdi joon, you are loved and missed beyond words can express. You know…

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