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Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Farewell Camry!

Humans are indeed peculiar creatures! Not only do they form attachments to each other, but also to objects, places, smells, animals, etc. I am a typical human specimen. Today I have been lamenting the loss of our black Camry. One hundred and ninety weeks after Shahdi’s departure, her car finally gave up and went to its final resting place at a junkyard somewhere in Pennsylvania. Unlike Shahdi, the Camry did not seek its own demise but was forced into it by a reckless driver and the insurance company’s verdict that it was not worth to be resuscitated! Our poor black Camry.. Even though it was old but it still was serving us loyally and without much problems.
Shahdi was eight or nine years old when the Camry was purchased. Arman, Shahdi, and I claimed ownership of this car at different periods in the last fifteen years. However, the one who used it the most was Shahdi, and thus, the reason we all refer to it as Shahdi’s car, even though Arman had been using it for the last few months. Shahdi, clad in her black outfits, fit perfectly in the black Camry. Many of Shahdi’s friends also have fond memories of this car. She treated it well and never in the four years of driving it, did she have an accident.With the Camry now gone, detached from our life,
I feel like another link between us and Shahdi was lost. Similar to when her trampoline was taken away. I understand we could not hang on to either one of those objects forever, but being a sentimental human with emotional flaws, I am distressed. Shahdi’s Camry was a loyal servant who did not give us much trouble for as long as it was a part of our family of humans, animals, and material objects. We will miss it and will remember it fondly whenever we talk about Shahdi’s driving and life.

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